Thursday, October 21, 2010

Random Thoughts

- I'm officially tired of Drake... and his crazy hand motions. Never really felt him like dat to begin with
- Did you ever here yourself on camera or on a recording and be like hmm, I really sound like that?

-  Doesn't Missy Elliott look like Vectorman in the sock it to me video?
- I hate being analyzed, so don't act like you know me, tell me how I'm feeling, or feel like you know what I'm thinking when you don't. It's just gonna aid in angering me...quickly
- Man I love me a good bodega
- WILLOW SMITH.......WHATTTT!!!! the video was type hot tho
- I  believe Diddy is a leach. He just latches on to the hottest or most powerful artist n tries to ride the wave, being that he can't rap himself. Then he'll eventually cause the downfall of their career. I don't really care much for rick ross or nicki minaj, but I just hope he doesn't ruin red cafe's career lol.
-  Remember that old tongue twister, "How much wood, could a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood." QUESTION... Why wouldn't a WOOD-CHUCK, be able to CHUCK WOOD in the 1st place!?!?! It's a WOOD....CHUCK!!

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