Sunday, December 2, 2012


- Had a conversation with a friend of mine the other day about A type vs. B type personalities. She felt that I was an Alpha type because she stated that she notices me pushing myself to try and live my dreams and I don't really shy away from much, but also still a Beta. I told her that I feel as if I'm strictly a Beta because it may seem like that to you from the outside looking in, but to me I feel as if I haven't made the biggest of strides in things that I want to accomplish yet. I also feel as if i'm really laid back and that I could push myself more to be better. I also asked how can one be an Alpha and a Beta when theory states that you can only be one or the other. She told me in reality we're all basically Betas. The ones who feel as if they're Alphas always have a strive for more, are highly competitive, feel as if they're goals must be accomplished in a certain amount of time and continue to push themselves. People who are huge success stories usually are still pushing themselves to go bigger and better because they feel as if there is no ceiling for them to hit. Once they reach their goals in a set amount of time, they must continue to climb towards their next goal which ultimately destroys that prior concept of time. These actions and desires is what will make them a Beta in the end. I thought about that statement and fell in love with it.

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