Saturday, October 9, 2010

Things That Annoy Me

- NYC taxi and bus drivers
- Slow drivers
- Flies (well bugs in general but really flies)
- Drake's voice
- Meter maids
- Niggas that go to jail and then swear they know all of life's secrets once there free
- How the radio only plays nicki minaj, drake, fab, trey songz, diddy, rick ross, etc.. Variety please.
- Will I. Am's immense corniness
- Ppl who answer bbm's but then don't respond for mad long (the bbm lets me know that you opened the message dummy)
- Ppl who take life to seriously
- More to come... Alot annoys me lol


  1. Well wat else grinds your gears I'm dying to know???

  2. lol.. that bbm shyt pisses me off too.. n almost everything else on this list

    - Imani B.
